Daily Archives: July 17, 2024

2024-07-17: News Headlines

Dissident Voice Communications (2024-07-17). CODEPINK's Palestinian-American Staff Member ARRESTED on False Accusation of Assault by Member of Congress. dissidentvoice.org Milwaukee, WI — In an incident of political thuggery and intimidation at the RNC, CODEPINK's Palestinian campaign organizer, Nour Jaghama, has been unjustly arrested by police on accusation of assaulting a member of Congress. While peacefully waiting in line to enter the event, Nour, a visibly Palestinian woman, was intentionally bumped into by a bald, white …

presstv.ir (2024-07-17). US 'actively assisting' Israel's genocide in Gaza: Jewish peace group. presstv.ir The Jewish Voice for Peace says the Biden administration is "actively assisting" Israel in committing genocide in Gaza.

newarab (2024-07-17). Families of Israel soldiers held captive in Gaza plead for peace. newarab.com

newleftreview (2024-07-17). Rashid Khalidi: The Neck and The Sword. newleftreview.org Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali discuss the political and intellectual history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught entanglement with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the 'peace process', Israel's grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations—or miscalculations—of Hamas.

Gerry Condon, Antiwar. (2024-07-17). Nuclear War Is Imminent. popularresistance.org The world is headed toward nuclear war. The horrific nightmare of global destruction that has haunted humanity ever since Hiroshima and Nagasaki is nearly upon us. For decades, peace activists and nuclear experts have warned about the "growing danger of nuclear war." The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the hands of their Doomsday Clock all the way to 90 seconds! How much closer can we get? Are these dire warnings being dismissed like the man with the sign shouting "The End Is Near?" | The original nuclear powers, the U.S., Russia, China, France and the UK — the five permanent members of the UN Secur…

Anand Naidoo (2024-07-17). The Heat: U.S. criminalization of homelessness. america.cgtn.com The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that local and state governments can now ticket or arrest those who are sleeping or camping in public places such as sidewalks, streets, parks, and even broken-down vehicles. | The move comes as major cities across the nation are experiencing a spike in homeless encampments. | While some city officials say the ruling will give them time to enforce measures to keep public spaces clean and safe, others believe criminalizing the homeless can only make things worse. | Ediz Tiyansan reports from Los Angeles. | To discuss: | Jacquie Luqman is Coordinator for the Black Alliance for Peace…

Dave DeCamp (2024-07-17). China Stops Arms Control Talks With the US Over Arms Sales To Taiwan. news.antiwar.com The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that Beijing had stopped arms control talks with the US over continued US arms sales to Taiwan and other steps that go against China's "core interests." The US and China held consultations on arms control back in November 2023. A reporter asked Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian about …

ICRC (2024-07-17). Adhering to Humanitarian Norms Paves Way to Peace. icrc.org — ICRC hosts "Adhering to Humanitarian Norms in Armed Conflicts" Panel at World Peace Forum…

ICRC (2024-07-17). Environmental wartime protection is central to the protection of civilians. icrc.org Statement delivered by Laetitia Courtois, Permanent Observer and Head of Delegation, at UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting "Stepping up Preventive Action: From Environment Challenges to Opportunities for Peace" on 8 July 2024 in New York City.

Mike Paradela (2024-07-17). Saturday 7/27: Drag 4 Justice. indybay.org San Jose Peace and Justice Center. 48 South 7th Street San Jose, California 95112. Behind the center.

Allan Fisher (2024-07-17). Monday 8/5: Vigil for Peace at Panetta's Office. indybay.org Santa Cruz County building, 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

presstv.ir (2024-07-17). Russian military vessels dock in Venezuela. presstv.ir Russian military vessels arrive in Venezuela shortly after visiting Cuba.

Hugo GABBERO (2024-07-17). Belarus: Three years after their arbitrary arrest, Viasna members must be immediately released. fidh.org On July 14, 2021, the Belarusian authorities detained Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Viasna chairperson Ales Bialiatski, FIDH Vice President Valiantsin Stefanovic and Viasna lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich in an unprecedented raid against Belarusian civil society. Convicted on fabricated charges to heavy prison terms, to this day, the three human rights defenders remain unlawfully imprisoned, and are regularly subjected to severe harassment and ill-treatment. On the third anniversary of their (…) | – |

Carlos Lancho (2024-07-17). Colombia's Special Jurisdiction for Peace recognises Wiwa people and their ancestral territory as victims of international crimes. fidh.org

teleSUR, YSM (2024-07-17). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. telesurtv.net Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-17). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. telesurtv.net El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, MS (2024-07-17). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, MER (2024-07-17). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. telesurtv.net Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-07-17). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. telesurtv.net La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-07-17). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. telesurtv.net La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

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