2024-09-02: News Headlines

Anonymous Contributor (2024-09-02). "It Doesn't Matter How Peaceful You Are": Report on Repression at the University of Michigan. itsgoingdown.org Report on violent police repression of recent rally in support of Palestine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. At the University of Michigan, a coalition of organizers from campus and the community, held one of the first actions of the new academic year to draw attention to the ongoing genocide in Palestine and…

Angela (2024-09-02). Monday 9/9: Missing Peace Mondays: Summer of Love for Gaza Debrief Codepink Community Hour. indybay.org Zoom | www.codepink.org/missingp99

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Rashid Khalidi: The Neck and The Sword. newleftreview.org Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali discuss the political and intellectual history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught entanglement with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the 'peace process', Israel's grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations—or miscalculations—of Hamas.

ecns.cn (2024-09-02). China, Africa to work together to augment the strength of the Global South: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn At the upcoming Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), China and Africa will‚enhance unity and cooperation among developing countries to augment the strength of the Global South, jointly champion international fairness and justice, and advance the peace and development of the world, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian said at a regular press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-09-02). BRI journalists call for unity, progress. ecns.cn Journalists in countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative should work together to reduce misunderstanding and prejudices through objective, fair and truthful reporting, in order to promote global peace, stability and prosperity, media experts said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2024-09-02). Chinese medical ship treats patients in South Africa. ecns.cn The Chinese hospital ship (Peace Ark) and the South African Military Health Service treated 3,243 patients with different ailments in South Africa for free as part of its joint military exercise in the past seven days, said a senior official of the South African Military Health Service.

Sozialismus.de (2024-09-02). A Peace Policy for the 21st Century. indybay.org "Peace is not everything but without it everything becomes nothing" Willy Brandt | Even in pre-war periods, peace policy must include criticism of ideological enemy images, which create an essential prerequisite for aggressive foreign policy. In the US, we must unlearn war and dismantle the empire and the outmoded 800 military bases!

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). WHO: Gaza children need peace more than vaccines. presstv.ir The UN health agency says "peace" is the best solution to save Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-09-02). New plan for illicit crop substitution agreed in Colombia. plenglish.com Bogota, Sep 2 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian government and former guerrillas of the extinct Revolutionary Armed Forces-People's Army (FARC-EP) agreed on a new implementation route for the National Program for the Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS) of the Final Peace Agreement.

Staff (2024-09-02). Venezuela Gas Fields to Begin Seismic Work Jointly with Trinidad & Tobago. orinocotribune.com Trinidad and Tobago's Energy Minister Stuart Young announced that seismic studies will begin in the coming days in the coastal gas fields shared by Venezuela and the island nation. | These works will allow for a detailed identification of the potential gas reserves present in the Cocuina and Manakin fields. | Young said on social media platforms this Friday, August 30, "Seismic survey work will begin in the coming days at Manakin and Cocuina. Record times are being set and real results are being delivered." | Between both gas exploitation areas, the Venezuelan portion belongs to the PDVSA's Deltana Platform marit…

People's Dispatch. (2024-09-02). Honduran President Xiomara Castro Rejects US Interference. popularresistance.org Honduran President Xiomara Castro announced on August 28 that she ordered the suspension of the extradition agreement between her country and the United States. The move was in response to comments made by the US Ambassador to Honduras, Laura Dogu, regarding different high-ranking Honduran officials who had traveled to Venezuela. | The Honduran head of state wrote in a post, "The interference and interventionism of the United States, as well as its intention to direct the politics of Honduras through its Embassy and other representatives, is intolerable. They attack, disregard and violate with impunity the princi…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-09-02). Embajador en Bolivia destaca reactivación de economía venezolana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 2 sep (RHC) El embajador de Venezuela en Bolivia, César Trómpiz, aseguró en declaraciones a Prensa Latina que la economía de su país está totalmente reactivada al igual que las actividades sociales y deportivas.

Marc Vandepitte (2024-09-02). Lo que los medios ocultan sobre las elecciones en Venezuela. globalizacion.ca Las pasadas elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela fueron una inteligente pieza de guerra electoral en la que los medios de comunicación desempeñaron un papel fundamental. En este artículo enumeramos algunas cosas sorprendentes que los principales medios de comunicación han callado. | *…

Marc Vandepitte (2024-09-02). Lo que los medios ocultan sobre las elecciones en Venezuela. globalizacion.ca

teleSUR, MER (2024-09-02). Presidente Maduro alerta sobre violencia de la extrema derecha. telesurtv.net El mandatario le expresó al pueblo venezolano que es necesario cuidar la paz.

teleSUR, MS (2024-09-02). Gobierno colombiano y la Segunda Marquetalia inician diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes firmantes, representadas por el consejero comisionado de paz de Colombia, Otty Patiño, e Iván Márquez, exnegociador de los diálogos que condujeron al acuerdo de paz de 2016 de las disidencias de las FARC.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-09-02). Venezuela denuncia campaña mediática internacional para desconocer procesos electorales. telesurtv.net Jorge Rodríguez advirtió a la ultraderecha que no se permitirá la vulneración de la paz venezolana.

teleSUR, MER (2024-09-02). Presidente Maduro conversa con mandataria electa de México. telesurtv.net Ambas autoridades ratificaron los lazos de hermandad entre México y Venezuela, así como su disposición en fortalecer la Celac.

teleSUR, idg, JCM (2024-09-02). Venezuela y China muestran sintonía en agenda bilateral. telesurtv.net La visita es una invitación del ministro chino de Relaciones Exteriores, Wang Yi, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-09-02). Venezuela acogerá la Serie del Caribe en el año 2026. telesurtv.net La lista de sedes por año quedaría de la siguiente forma: Mexicali 2025, Venezuela 2026, Hermosillo 2027, República Dominicana 2028 y Puerto Rico 2029.

María Candela (2024-09-02). Venezuela se recupera en tiempo record del ataque fascista al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (+Fotos y Audio). radiohc.cu El Presidente de la República de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros reconoció a los trabajadores del sector eléctrico por la recuperación en tiempo record del ataque fascista al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional, así lo dio a conocer la Vicepresidente Ejecutiva Delcy Rodríguez en la red social Telegram.

Hanna Alshaikh, Mondoweiss. (2024-09-02). Demystifying How The Hamas Leadership Works. popularresistance.org After Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas Political Bureau, was assassinated in Tehran, the Movement's senior consultative body, the Shura Council, quickly and unanimously chose Yahya Sinwar as his successor. At the time of his killing, Haniyeh had been leading the Hamas effort in the ceasefire negotiations with mediators, and many analysts claimed that Sinwar's rise signaled a total break with the policies of Haniyeh and other senior Political Bureau members. | Much of this analysis is misinformed. | It betrays a shallow understanding of not just the leaders of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), but the wide…

newarab (2024-09-02). Israeli forces continue devastating assault on West Bank's Jenin. newarab.com Israeli soldiers stormed the village of Deir Abu Deif, east of Jenin, early Monday and detained two young men. Another man from the town of Yamoun and former prisoner Yahya Al-Zubaidi were also detained. | Two Palestinians were killed on Sunday near the city…

Larry Johnson (2024-09-02). Russia's Donbass Offensive Picking Up Steam. sonar21.com Russians Advancing on Selidovo | If this was a boxing match and there was a competent referee, this war would be called over — Technical Knock Out (TKO). The carnage Russia is inflicting on Ukraine is growing with each passing day. A year ago, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported an average of 700 Ukrainian casualties a day. Now, that number exceeds 2,000 a day — killed and wounded. The problem confronting Ukrainian commanders is the lack of trained reserves that could be plugged into failing battle lines. Ukraine has no viable system or plan in place to recruit and train 30,000 new soldiers ev…

Scott Ritter (2024-09-02). My Lost Summer. My Hopes of Building Bridges of Friendship to Russia and Prevent Nuclear War. Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca I had hoped to make the Summer of 2024 a memorable one—building bridges of friendship to Russia, working to develop knowledge and information as an antidote to the poison of Russophobia in America, and trying to prevent a nuclear war …

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Ex-Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar facing 'slow' death in Israeli jail: Rights group. presstv.ir An international rights group warns jailed Palestinian ex-MP Khalida Jarrar is faced with a "slow and deliberate killing" in an Israeli prison.

newarab (2024-09-02). Israeli forces cause serious damage to West Bank stadium. newarab.com The Palestinian Football Association (PFA) posted a video to Facebook on Sunday showing major damage to part of the facility. |

newarab (2024-09-02). As a Gaza genocide survivor, I fear another Nakba in West Bank. newarab.com For the last seven days, the occupied West Bank has been a living nightmare. From Jenin to Tulkarem and Tubas, Israeli soldiers, tanks and military vehicles have tramped over Palestinian life, killing Life itself has been slammed shut. Roads have been destroyed and entry routes into refugee camps have been blockaded, restricting the movement of rescue and defence crews — the injured must now fend for themselves. | Just like us in Gaza, the p…

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Iran warns Netanyahu's 'Western enablers' of consequences as region 'on the brink'. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister warns that the continuation of Israel's crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is causing a "dangerous crisis" in West Asia.

Yossi Melman (2024-09-02). Without U.S. aid, Israel would have struggled to fight in Gaza beyond a few months. haaretz.com A senior air force officer also tells Haaretz about the international cooperation that thwarted Iran's attack in April and delivered a preemptive strike on Hezbollah in August, amid efforts for Israel to decrease this dependence…

newarab (2024-09-02). US to present Israel with Gaza ceasefire deal ultimatum: report. newarab.com ceasefire deal for Gaza, The Washington Post has reported, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces domestic pressure to agree a truce that would bring Israeli captives home. | A senior US official said that Washington is in discussions with their Egyptian and Qatari counterparts about a proposed deal to be presented to Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in the coming weeks. | They added that if both sides fail to accept the proposal, it could signal the end of the US-led negotiations. | US President Joe Biden<...

Norman Solomon (2024-09-02). In CNN Interview, Harris Dodged Gaza Genocide and Damaged Her Election Prospects. indybay.org Evading complicity in war crimes…

newarab (2024-09-02). Lebanese Forces chief denounces Hezbollah fight with Israel. newarab.com The head of the Christian political party In a speech attacking the Shia Muslim group, Samir Geagea, who heads the main Christian bloc in parliament, accused

hindustantimes (2024-09-02). West Openly Blackmails Ukraine Now? NATO Neighbour's Big Demand For Backing EU Entry | Russia War. hindustantimes.com Ukraine's NATO neighbour has reportedly threatened to block Kyiv's bid to join European Union. Polish PM called on Kyiv to resolve the Volyn massacre issue to ensure Warsaw's support at the EU. Tusk's comments came after Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba made controversial comments on the history of Poles and Ukrainians. Watch for more.

Human Rights Watch (2024-09-02). Mongolia: Arrest Putin. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Permanent premises of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands. | © 2019 Peter Dejong/AP | Mongolia should deny entry to Russian President Vladimir Putin or arrest him if he enters the country. The Kremlin announced that Putin is planning to travel to Mongolia on September 3, 2024, following an invitation by Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh to attend a military anniversary event.President Putin has been wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since March 17, 2023, when the court's judges issued arrest warrants against him and his children's righ…

newarab (2024-09-02). Will Iran retaliate against Israel or hold back. newarab.com

newarab (2024-09-02). Biden ordered Gaza pier construction despite USAID concerns. newarab.com Aid workers at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) warned A new report by the inspector general of USAID shows the organisation highlighted several reasons why the project would be destined for failure due to logistics an…

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Pro-Palestinian protest in Netherlands challenges govt. stance on Gaza war. presstv.ir Large crowds gathered in the capital of the Netherlands to protest against Israel's ongoing military operations in Gaza.

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Tehran-Damascus cooperation will vanquish Israel in Gaza: Iran. presstv.ir The Iranian defense minister underlines the need for maintaining cooperation with Syria, saying the partnership will result in Israel's defeat in Gaza war.

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Palestinian prisoner from Gaza dies in Israeli jail after negligence: Rights groups. presstv.ir Palestinian rights groups say Nasr Salem Said Ziyara, an elderly Palestinian prisoner from the war-ravaged Gaza Strip, has died from medical negligence at a detention center in the central part of the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories.

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Iran calls on world to hold Israeli 'criminal leaders' accountable. presstv.ir Nasser Kan'ani has called for the Israeli regime's "criminal leaders" to be held accountable for their crimes committed against Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

newarab (2024-09-02). Israel set for general strike after Gaza captives found dead. newarab.com

newarab (2024-09-02). Israeli airstrike kills Mohammed al-Halimi, TikTok influencer. newarab.com "Let me show you the details of my new day during the war in Al-Halimi, who used to mix seriousness and humour in all his videos, did not know that this video would be his last, and tens of thousands of followers would grieve him soon afte…

newarab (2024-09-02). Israeli lawyers threaten to charge ICC prosecutor for misconduct. newarab.com The pro- The UKLFI wrote to Khan last week, according to The Telegraph, saying he will be reported to the UK Bar Standards Board unless he agrees to review the evidence against Isra…

newarab (2024-09-02). Israeli police use stun grenades, skunk water on protesters. newarab.com The mass protests and a general strike in Israel were triggered a day after Israel announced the Israeli army retrieved the bodies of Activists, including families of the…

newarab (2024-09-02). Palestinian father from Gaza dies in Israel jail 'after torture'. newarab.com A Palestinian father-of-seven from The CDA and th…

newarab (2024-09-02). Strike against Netanyahu begins as Israel continues bombing Gaza. newarab.com

newarab (2024-09-02). Why are Israelis on strike and how did Netanyahu respond. newarab.com Thousands of Israelis Hundreds of people in Haifa held up traffic by protesting at a busy intersection, while services were disrupted across the country as Israeli workers attempt to force the government to agree a Gaza truce deal, which follows the discov…

aljazeera (2024-09-02). Unspoken bonds: Gaza's forcibly displaced and the homes they yearn for. aljazeera.com As Israel's war on Gaza continues unabated, journalist Maha Husseini writes about generational loss and trauma.

aljazeera (2024-09-02). What are Israel's protests and general strike about — and how big are they? aljazeera.com The largest since the start of the war, protests underscore the anger against PM Netanyahu over captive deaths in Gaza.

The Media Line Staff (2024-09-02). Survey: Israelis Divided Over Confidence in Leadership and War Strategy. themedialine.org

Linda Dayan (2024-09-02). 'The community is thirsty for it': Southern Israel's largest hospital gets a new LGBTQ clinic. haaretz.com When Inbar Izhak proposed opening the first gynecology clinic for the queer community in Soroka hospital, she got 'insane tailwind' from people wanting safe, informed care. For the clinic's leading doctor, Iris Shoham, the work feels spiritual: 'Like God's in the room'…

Nagham Zbeedat (2024-09-02). How did the six Israeli hostages in Gaza die? The Arab world can't decide. haaretz.com Speculation is rife on social media, with some saying Hamas executed the hostages as part of its psychological warfare battle against Israeli society, while others veered into denialism, blaming Israel for their deaths…

newarab (2024-09-02). Algeria arrests 4 'Moroccan spies' before presidential elections. newarab.com Just a week before the presidential election, On Sunday, 1 September, the public prosecutor in the city of Tlemcen, northwestern Algeria and near the Moroccan borders, announced the arrest of sev…

newarab (2024-09-02). Algeria joins the BRICS New Development Bank. newarab.com The decision was taken on Saturday and announced by NDB chief Dilma Roussef at a meeting in Cape Town, By joining "this important development institution, the financial…

newarab (2024-09-02). First election win for German far-right since WWII after AfD win. newarab.com "We are ready and willing to talk to all parties," the Alternative for Germany (

newarab (2024-09-02). Gaza: Over 80,000 children vaccinated against polio on first day. newarab.com More than 80,000 children received Despite

newarab (2024-09-02). Iran probe finds Raisi helicopter crash caused by weather. newarab.com Iran's final investigation into the May helicopter crash that killed president The helicopter carrying 63-year-old Raisi and his entourage came down on a fog-shrouded mountainside in northern Iran, The main cause of the helicopter crash…

newarab (2024-09-02). Iraq to impose two-day curfew for first census in 27 years. newarab.com This upcoming census is Iraq's first in 27 years and represents a significant u…

newarab (2024-09-02). Joint US-Iraqi operation raises concerns over US forces' role. newarab.com A

newarab (2024-09-02). Libya people-trafficking kingpin sanctioned by UN assassinated. newarab.com A former head of Major Abd al-Rahman Milad, also known as Al-Bidja, was killed Sunday in the town of Sayyad, 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of the capital

newarab (2024-09-02). Mo Salah key to Liverpool FC's thrashing of Manchester United. newarab.com Salah bagged a goal and provided two assists in the Merseyside club's 3-0 away victory over their North West rivals, who now languish in 14th place in the Premier League. | After a closely fought initial ten minutes, Liverpool had a goal disallowed but despite the disa…

newarab (2024-09-02). Taliban, UN say committed to engagement post-morality law outcry. newarab.com A Taliban government spokesman has said the Afghan authorities were committed to engagement with the international community after a The United Nations and the European Union have

newarab (2024-09-02). Tunisia police arrest presidential candidate as tension rises. newarab.com

David Bollier. (2024-09-02). Cascadia And The Global Resurgence Of Bioregional Activism. popularresistance.org One of the most encouraging recent developments has been the resurgence of bioregional thinking. About four decades ago, in the late 1970s and 1980s, there was a huge public appetite for re-imagining the economy, eco-stewardship, and lifestyles around natural bioregions, but it gradually waned with the advance of neoliberal ideology. Now bioregionalism is emerging again, with much more force and sophistication. | A great deal of vanguard leadership, then and now, has come from activists, academics, and social innovators in the Pacific Northwest. They are often associated with the term Cascadia, which is the name…

Dmitri Kovalevich, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-09-02). Ukraine's Kursk Raid And Its Imminent Loss Of Metallurgy Industry. popularresistance.org The situation in late August 2024 for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) remains critical in the key war front of the Donbass region (in former eastern Ukraine). The AFU is losing several towns and villages every day to the continued advances of the Russian army. Russia is now poised to cut off the key transportation and supply city of Pokrovsk (pre-war population of 60,000), which is located 60 km north and west of Donetsk city and 140 km east of the Dnieper River in Russia's Donetsk People's Republic. | Despite its worsening military situation in Donbass, Kiev decided in early August to withdraw some of its troo…

Editor (2024-09-02). 'Europe's Long Rightward Lurch Continues' as Germany's AfD Projected to Win. scheerpost.com

Spencer Osberg (2024-09-02). Beyond Bombs and Bullets: The Full Tally of Gaza's Dead. counterpunch.org The impact of losing access to healthcare is starkly illustrated by the example of pregnant women in Gaza, estimated at 50,000 when the war began. Many have miscarried and are having stillbirths, faced C-sections with unsensitized equipment and without anesthetic, while increasing numbers of newborns are "simply dying," according to the World Health Organization, because starving mothers are giving birth to critically underweight babies.

Staff (2024-09-02). Labor Day Special Featuring Howard Zinn & Voices of a People's History of the United States. democracynow.org In 1980, historian Howard Zinn published his classic work, A People's History of the United States. The book would go on to sell over a million copies and change the way many look at history in America. We begin today's special with highlights from a production of Howard Zinn's Voices of a People's History of the United States, where Zinn introduced dramatic readings from history. We hear Alfre Woodard read the words of labor activist Mother Jones and Howard's son Jeff Zinn read the words of an IWW poet and organizer Arturo Giovannitti.

Democracy Now! (2024-09-02). Democracy Now! 2024-09-02 Monday. democracynow.org Labor Day Special Featuring Howard Zinn & Voices of a People's History of the United States; Legendary Labor Organizer Jane McAlevey: One of Her Last Interviews on Strategies for Workers to Win; "Donald Trump Is a Scab": UAW President Shawn Fain Hails Kamala Harris & Attacks Corporate Greed | Labor Day Special Featuring Howard Zinn & Voices of a People's History of the United States; Legendary Labor Organizer Jane McAlevey: One of Her Last Interviews on Strategies for Workers to Win; "Donald Trump Is a Scab": UAW President Shawn Fain Hails Kamala Harris & Attacks Corporate Greed…

ecns.cn (2024-09-02). Insights | 18 years of wonders in China: Youngest winner of Chinese Government Friendship Award. ecns.cn A senior reporter from the United States, who has stayed in China for 18 years, shared his insights into life in the country in an exclusive interview with China News Network after arriving in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province, for the 2024 China Internet Civilization Conference.

WSWS (2024-09-02). Australian doctors warn dialysis patients are receiving third-world care. wsws.org "Soon we may be forced to deny these life-sustaining treatments to patients who need them to stay alive, or to choose patients who can stay on haemodialysis while others die."

WSWS (2024-09-02). Dana Corp. announces closure of auto parts plant in Lima, Ohio, destroying 280 jobs. wsws.org The shuttering of the more than 50-year-old plant is part of a broader attack on jobs across the industry, including nearly 2,500 cuts at Stellantis's Warren Truck plant near Detroit.

WSWS (2024-09-02). "The war's not over": Dakkota workers seething after UAW rams through contract with threats of lockout. wsws.org The rebellion of Dakkota workers has kept coming into conflict with the pro-company UAW bureaucracy, which has worked to sabotage, isolate and break the strike from the very beginning.

Revolution Books (2024-09-02). Saturday 9/7: Film Showing: "THE NIGHT WON'T END" ⚪ Biden's* War on Gaza. indybay.org Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Iran's 'formidable blow' awaits enemies' miscalculations: Commander. presstv.ir The commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force vows that the force will deal with enemies' potential miscalculations with utmost decisiveness.

presstv.ir (2024-09-02). Iran's dash toward becoming regional gas hub. presstv.ir Iran and Turkmenistan on Wednesday signed an important energy agreement under which the two neighbors will expand gas swap cooperation.

United World International (2024-09-02). The nuclear apocalypse? This time, it is not a political cacophony. uwidata.com By Elshad Mirbashiroglu * and Nilufar N. Mammadova ** The imminence of nuclear apocalypse on planet Earth has never been so close since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Humanity is clearly experiencing an extremely dangerous time yet again. Despite the alarming rise in global usage of the term "nuclear war" against the backdrop of recent …

Pressenza New York (2024-09-02). Neuland Rebellen interview with Oskar Lafontaine, former German finance minister and chairman of the SPD party. pressenza.com German tanks firing on Russians at Kursk lose again while Ukraine puts its integrity in increasing danger | War means workers killing workers and German manufacturing is paying for acts of terrorism against the German people because of Germany's weak government | Resistance to the new global war in Germany is waning, lies are dominating, double and triple standards are emerging — imagine how the German media would react if Kiev looked like Gaza? | Constantly crossing 'red lines' is a very dangerous game for the West. Putin is being incredibly prudent] | How did you perceive the attack on Kursk? What was…

Nora Fernandez (2024-09-02). Advancing Locust: The Need to End U.S. Forever Wars. globalresearch.ca If we are to survive we need to put an end to the US forever wars. Defensive wars have reasons but the US wars of aggression benefit business, the US military and its contractors, think tanks, even universities. | US wars …

Riley Waggaman (2024-09-02). Vladimir Putin and Klaus Schwab "Go Way Back". Does Putin Support the Covid Vaccine? globalresearch.ca Beginning his speech with a warm "dear Klaus," Putin recalled how he first met Mr. Schwab in 1992 and since then had regularly attended events organized by the Fourth Industrial Revolution visionary.

aljazeera (2024-09-02). On Ukraine's front line with Russia, Telegram channels are key to survival. aljazeera.com Pies, petrol, bomb alerts or complaints — these channels are the go-to platforms for residents in the middle of war.

aljazeera (2024-09-02). Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 920. aljazeera.com As the war enters its 920th day, these are the main developments.

Andie Stewart (2024-09-02). Lost in Translation: Radical Politics of a Trans Trade Unionist. counterpunch.org Imane Khelif: Working Class Muslim Hero For the millionth time: Imane Khelif is not a trans woman. She is AFAB, has female body parts from birth, all the essentialist markers that transphobes use to justify their bigotry. This truly is an instance of horse-shoe theory at its best. Transphobes start off by laying down these

Frank Joyce (2024-09-02). Chicago Post Mortem 2024: How This Time Can be Different. counterpunch.org Currently, the President sending the limitless money and weapons happens to be a Democrat. Lest anyone forget the Republican's loyalty to the cause, however, the "sane" presidential aspirant, Nikki Haley thought it was a great idea to be photographed autographing the U.S. manufactured and supplied bombs before they were loaded on the U.S. made warplanes.

Freddie Clayton, Sonja Smith (2024-09-02). Sanitation in Namibia Is a Catastrophe for Its People and Environment. counterpunch.org From the outskirts of cities to the most rural parts of the country, more than 1 million Namibians lack adequate access to toilets, and they are often faced with only one option: open defecation. According to the World Health Organization and UNICEF's Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) 2020 data, Namibia ranked sixth for the highest rate of open

Zoltan Grossman (2024-09-02). Lessons of Kristallnacht, "Civil War," and Mass Deportation. counterpunch.org On a recent trip to Germany, I sought to better understand how the Nazi Party rose to power, and carried out the Holocaust, in which most of my Hungarian Jewish relatives perished. I gained some new insights, and learned several lessons that may be useful in the polarized United States today, with the election looming and far-right agitation growing. |

Gabisile (2024-09-02). Motsoaledi to open Pharmacists International Federation Congress. sanews.gov.za Motsoaledi to open Pharmacists International Federation Congress | South Africa is hosting the first-ever International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress in sub-Saharan Africa.

The four-day congress, which kick-started on Sunday, 1 September 2024, is also part of the Pharmacy Month commemorative activities to raise patient awareness of the vital role pharmacists can play in the community's healthcare and to improve communication between patients and pharmacists and pharmacy support personnel.

The gathering brings together pharmacists from all over the world to share expertise, network, share…

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? newleftreview.org As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

Peter Crimmins (2024-09-02). 'Convalescence' at Philly's Jefferson Hospital is an immersion into health care inequities. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Several years ago, Pepón Osorio started losing weight. A lot of weight. Too quickly. He got concerned. | The first object visitors encounter at Osorio's new, immersive installation at Jefferson Hospital, "I had lymphoma," he said. "A rare case of lymphoma: mantle cell lymphoma." | Artist Pepón Oso…

Juliette Rousselot (2024-09-02). Joint Letter: Requesting urgent action towards UN human rights monitoring and investigation in Bangladesh. fidh.org International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) joins 12 other human rights organisations in an open letter calling on United Nations (UN) member states to take immediate steps to ensure an independent investigation and accountability into human rights violations committed in Bangladesh and to prevent further human rights violations, including by ensuring that the UN Human Rights Council establishes an independent mechanism with a comprehensive mandate to investigate, collect, store and (…) | – |

The Independent (2024-09-02). FOCAC 2024: Elevating African interests beyond the Africa-China summit. independent.co.ug To enhance the impact of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, African countries need a more coherent strategy of engagement with China along with increased public transparency, awareness, and citizen agency ANALYSIS | PAUL NANTULYA | The Ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), to be held in Beijing starting September 4 to 6, takes place at a …

The Independent (2024-09-02). Arua City taken to court for failure to issue Barifa forest permit. independent.co.ug Arua, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Maracha County Member of Parliament Denis Oguzu Lee has dragged Arua City to court for refusing to issue a development permit for a proposed ecotourism and recreational centre at Arua Central Forest Reserve locally known as Barifa. In April 2019, the National Forestry Authority (NFA) awarded Oguzu a 10-acre …

The Independent (2024-09-02). Starlink seek greater market share in Africa with "game-changing" router-free service. independent.co.ug Starlink's intention to offer a router-free service would be a "wake-up call" for Africa's telecom giants, according to one analyst, and could trigger a pricing war across Africa's telecom sector, forcing traditional giants to innovate or risk losing their market stronghold. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | Billionaire Elon Musk's Starlink looks set to further …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-09-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why diverse organ donors are needed. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org August is National Minority Donor Awareness Month. It's a time of celebrating organ donation and educating people about transplantation by encouraging donor registration and promoting healthy living. Dr. Shennen Mao, a Mayo Clinic transplant surgeon, says having a diverse pool of organ donors will help serve a growing wait list of those in need. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=enImQP2yYEs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 07) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-09-02). Mayo Clinic Q and A: The risks of ticks: Staying safe in the great outdoors. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My kids and I love to go hiking when the weather is nice, but I've heard ticks are terrible this year. What are the risks? How can I keep us safe and still stay active outside? ANSWER: Warm weather entices you into the great outdoors. But while you're having fun golfing, camping, picnicking and hiking, ticks are looking for a ride — and a meal. Ticks live in woods, fields and grassy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-09-02). Steroid dosage risks and benefits when managing lupus nephritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A recent Mayo Clinic study highlights the link between glucocorticoid dosage and outcomes in patients with lupus nephritis, a type of kidney inflammation caused by lupus. Glucocorticoids are potent anti-inflammatory medications often used to help treat this condition. Researchers discovered that while higher doses of these steroids can improve kidney function, they also may increase the risk of serious infections and death, further warranting the need for individualized treatment for patients suffering from this autoimmune…

newleftreview (2024-09-02). Tony Wood: Mexico in Flux. newleftreview.org Against the rightward trend of the Old World, countries in Latin America continue to favour governments of the left. The resounding mandate for Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico's presidential election confirms Morena's hegemony within the new party system. Where exactly on the political map should its project be placed?

UMMID (2024-09-02). Nominations open for 2026 King Faisal Prize. ummid.com The General Secretariat of King Faisal Prize has started accepting nominations for the 2026 Awards from Sunday September 01, 2024.

Dave DeCamp (2024-09-01). Israel's Main Labor Union Calls Strike To Pressure Netanyahu on Hostage Deal. news.antiwar.com Israel's largest labor union, the Histadrut, has called a general strike that will start Monday to pressure the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a hostage and ceasefire deal with Hamas. The decision to hold a strike came after the Israeli military recovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages who were held in …

Kyle Anzalone (2024-09-01). Israel: 6 Hostages, Including 1 American, Found Dead in Gaza. news.antiwar.com Israel says it recovered the bodies of six hostages, including one American-Israeli, in Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the hostages were murdered by Hamas, showing the Palestinian group does not want to make a ceasefire deal and prisoner swap. On Sunday, Tel Aviv reported that six hostages were found dead in Gaza. Israel claimed …

Dave DeCamp (2024-09-01). Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700. news.antiwar.com Gaza's Health Ministry said Sunday that Israeli forces killed at least 47 Palestinians in Gaza in the previous 24 hours, bringing the recorded death toll to 40,738. "Israeli forces killed 47 people and injured 94 others in three 'massacres' of families in the last 24 hours," the ministry said, according to Turkey's Anadolu Agency. "Many …

Dave DeCamp (2024-09-01). Russia To Change Nuclear Doctrine in Response to Western Escalations. news.antiwar.com Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Sunday that Moscow will change its nuclear doctrine in response to Western escalations related to the war in Ukraine. "As we have repeatedly said before, the work is in the advanced stage, and there is a clear intent to introduce a correction [to the nuclear doctrine]," Ryabkov told …

Dave DeCamp (2024-09-01). Chinese, Philippine Vessels Collide Near Sabina Shoal for Third Time. news.antiwar.com Chinese and Philippine vessels collided near Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea on August 31st, marking at least the third collision between the two coast guards near the disputed reef in recent weeks. Sabina Shoal is about 80 miles west of the Philippine island province of Palawan and is claimed by China, the Philippines, …

Dave DeCamp (2024-09-01). Seven US Troops Injured in Raid Against ISIS in Iraq. news.antiwar.com Seven US troops were injured in a raid against a suspected ISIS hideout in western Iraq on August 29, The Associated Press reported on Saturday. A Pentagon official said five US soldiers were wounded in the raid, and the other two were hurt from falls during the operation. The official said that all "personnel are …

hindustantimes (2024-09-01). Decoding PM Modi's Ukraine Trip After Russia: India's Message; West's Demands; What's Next. hindustantimes.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Ukraine in a rare visit on August 23 weeks after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow earlier in July. PM Modi met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv. Modi clarified India's stand amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. PM Modi told Zelensky that "India is on the side of peace." Modi's diplomatic engagement with both the warring parties reflects India's nuanced approach to international relations, strategic interests, and commitment to peace. In this episode of the South Asia diary, strategic affairs expert Sushant Sareen decodes the outcome of Modi's vi…

Abdullah Jallow (2024-09-01). 3] Truth Remains Crystal Clear, Even As Persistent, Unapologetic Wrongdoers Attempt to Cloak Themselves In The Tweets and Words of Scholars and Students of Knowledge. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: It is enough sin for a person to speak of everything that he hears. [1] Abu Haatim [Imam Ibn Hibbaan], may Allah have mercy upon him, said: This narration contains a rebuke …

mforinoco (2024-09-01). Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel: The Venezuelan People Voted With Full Awareness and in Favor of Dignity. orinocotribune.com Address by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel at the XI Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) / held virtually on August 26, 2024 | Dear President and brother Nicolás Maduro; | Dear brothers and sisters; | Dear representatives of the nations that make up our Alliance; | Dear Jorge Arreaza, Executive Secretary of ALBA-TCP; | And brothers and sisters from all of Our America: | First, on behalf of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution, of the Party, the Government and the people of Cuba,…

scorinoco (2024-09-01). President Maduro Fully Supports President of Honduras Amid US Interventionist Actions. orinocotribune.com The President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro expressed his "absolute support" for his Honduran counterpart, Xiomara Castro, who he said is the victim of a "cruel and excessive attack" by the United States after she terminated the US-Honduras extradition treaty. | "On behalf of all the people of Venezuela, I express my absolute support for the president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, who is the victim of a cruel and excessive attack by those who have sowed terror in our America, promoted coups d'état, and created alliances and protection mechanisms for criminal and fascist groups that today try to threaten our democrac…

Staff (2024-09-01). President Maduro: Attack on Electrical System Aimed at Destroying Guri Dam. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated that the attack on the National Electrical System was aimed at destroying the Guri Dam that provides hydroelectric power to most of the country. | During a meeting at the Presidential Command Post in Miraflores Palace on Friday, August 30, President Maduro took stock of the results of the plans implemented to restore electrical service in the 21 states affected by the attack on the National Electrical System (SEN). | "They attacked the transmission systems, but because of the protections that have been applied to the generation system, they were unable to reach i…

Editor (2024-09-01). China calls for respect of Venezuelan elections, criticizes attempts to intervene in nation's internal matters. mronline.org The Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized U.S.-led efforts to spread misinformation about the Venezuelan presidential elections held in July.

JANET (2024-09-01). How the U.S. could have won the Venezuelan election. iacenter.org August 30, 2024 By Roger D. Harris Aug. 23, 2024 Workers World has been publishing, unedited, statements from anti-imperialist media and individuals to show the breadth of support for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and opposition to the lies of the U.S. government and corporate media. Washington's intent was not to encourage a free and fair democratic process but to delegitimize the one already in place. Post-election mass march supports President Nicolás Maduro Don't ask what business the U.S. had in backing a candidate in Venezuela's July 28 presidential election. Certainly that was not a question that th…

Staff (2024-09-01). Israel at war, day 331: Netanyahu stalling deal to save his coalition, says minister. haaretz.com The IDF retrieves the bodies of six hostages taken captive by Hamas on October 7, adding they were executed recently, just before Israeli troops reached them ‚ñ Head of Israel's labor federation announces general strike on Monday, says that securing deal to free the hostages 'is more important than anything else' ‚ñ Three police officers killed in West Bank shooting ‚ñ Here's what you need to know 331 days into the war…

Hanna Alshaikh (2024-09-01). What Does the Change in Hamas Leadership Actually Mean for Palestine? truthout.org After Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas Political Bureau, was assassinated in Tehran, the Movement's senior consultative body, the Shura Council, quickly and unanimously chose Yahya Sinwar as his successor. At the time of his killing, Haniyeh had been leading the Hamas effort in the ceasefire negotiations with mediators, and many analysts claimed that Sinwar's rise signaled a total break with the… |

hindustantimes (2024-09-01). Iran President Wants $200 Billion Amid Israel War Fear: Watch Why | Hamas | Haniyeh | Hezbollah. hindustantimes.com Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian gave his first televised interview on August 31 after forming his cabinet. Pezeshkian said Tehran needs some $100 billion of foreign investment to achieve a planned 8% economic growth from the current 4%.

Larry Johnson (2024-09-01). While Israel Struggles on the Battlefield, It Also is Flailing on the Economic Front. sonar21.com

Maayan Hoffman, Veronica Neifakh (2024-09-01). Against All Odds, Israeli Innovations Succeed as War Impedes Funding. themedialine.org

Dmitri Kovalevich (2024-09-01). Ukraine's Kursk Raid and Its Imminent Loss of Metallurgy Industry in Donbass. orinocotribune.com By Dmitri Kovalevich — Aug 28, 2024 | Dmitri Kovalevich is the special correspondent in Ukraine for Al Mayadeen English. In this report, he examines the political and military situation in the country for August. | The situation in late August 2024 for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) remains critical in the key war front of the Donbass region (in former eastern Ukraine). The AFU is losing several towns and villages every day to the continued advances of the Russian army. Russia is now poised to cut off the key transportation and supply city of Pokrovsk (pre-war population of 60,000), which is located 60 km…

Staff (2024-09-01). Restoration of Article 370 is just the first step towards autonomy: Srinagar MP Aga Ruhullah Mehdi. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff Senior National Conference (NC) leader and Member of Parliament, Aga Ruhullah Mehdi, stated on Saturday that restoring Article 370 is not the final goal but rather the first step towards fulfilling the party's promise of restoring autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. Speaking at a press conference at Nawa-e-Subha, Mehdi said that …

Staff (2024-09-01). Restoration of Article 370 is just the first step towards autonomy: Srinagar MP Aga Ruhullah Mehdi. muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror Staff Senior National Conference (NC) leader and Member of Parliament, Aga Ruhullah Mehdi, stated on Saturday that restoring Article 370 is not the final goal but rather the first step towards fulfilling the party's promise of restoring autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. Speaking at a press conference at Nawa-e-Subha, Mehdi said that …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-09-01). What the Hell is Happening in Trieste? libya360.wordpress.com Lorenzo Maria Pacini Port of Trieste To answer this question, bearing in mind the subject of the closed-door meeting, a few words are enough: the next theatre of war. A few days ago, a secret meeting was held in Trieste, attended by authorities of various kinds: members of NATO, members of the Atlantic Council, members…

Colin Todhunter (2024-09-01). The War on Food and the War on Humanity: Platforms of Control and the Unbreakable Spirit. globalresearch.ca Max Weber (1864-1920) was a prominent German sociologist who developed influential theories on rationality and authority. He examined different types of rationality that underpinned systems of authority. He argued that modern Western societies were based on legal-rational authority and had …

Edward Curtin (2024-09-01). Mirages…. Strange Alliances: " Embrace of The Trump Campaign by Robert F. Kennedy Jr". Covid and "Vaccines" — Trump is in the Opposite Camp. globalresearch.ca I am sitting on the beach at the National Seashore, a forty-mile long stretch of the Atlantic Ocean seashore on Outer Cape Cod, established in 1961 by President Kennedy. | The wind is whipping hard and the waves are running wildly …

aljazeera (2024-09-01). Russia says it intercepted more than 150 Ukrainian drones in 'massive' raid. aljazeera.com Ukraine launches one of the biggest aerial attacks on Russia since the full-scale war began, including capital Moscow.

hindustantimes (2024-09-01). Biden Admits Fear Of Putin's Wrath After F-16 Crash, Won't Send Americans To Ukraine | Russia | Kyiv. hindustantimes.com The United States reportedly refused to send American contractors to Ukraine to maintain Western hardware, including F-16 fighter jets. According to a Wall Street Journal's report citing officials, the Biden administration rejected Pentagon's plan, citing intelligence over the prospect of Russia targeting American contractors in Ukraine.

hindustantimes (2024-09-01). Zelensky's Worst War Week? Putin Wins Another Town, Closest To Taking Ukraine Stronghold Pokrovsk. hindustantimes.com Trouble mounts for Ukraine as the Russian Army continues to advance on the battlefield. Russian Defense Ministry on August 31 claimed fresh war gains in Ukraine. Russia said its army captured settlement of Kirovo in Dontesk region. Moscow added that the Ukrainian Army also suffered heavy losses in the region. Watch for more.

W. T. Whitney, Jr. (2024-09-01). Awareness of capitalists' use of colonialism invites rethinking of solidarity commitment. mronline.org Studying capitalism, Karl Marx examined the Industrial Revolution in Europe. He explored conflict between worker and employer.

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-09-01). Boris Johnson's 'Orwell Britain' column draws widespread mockery. leftfootforward.org Boris Johnson's Entitled: 'Welcome to Starmer's Britain… twinned with Orwell's 1984,' the former PM expressed his growing concern about the state of free speech in the UK, claiming: | "We believe that we are among the great global champions of the right to speak your mind, the right that is the foundation of creativity and progress. Well, we are now losing that reputation, under Starmer, around the world. Rival gov…

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-09-01). Movement to remove Barclays from football gains momentum. leftfootforward.org 'Football is supposed to be based on values of fairness and equality — a bank enabling grave human rights abuses has no place in the beautiful game.'

A A (2024-09-01). NATO's fifth dimensional warfare comes a cropper in Kursk. strategic-culture.su

Abdullah Jallow (2024-09-01). He is the subject of envy, this seasoned teacher harbours envy towards the more accomplished younger teacher, or he is subjected to unwarranted scrutiny, etc. salaficentre.com In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. Imam Ibn Qudamah, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: Envy often arises among individuals who share similar circumstances, such as contemporaries, peers, brothers, and cousins, due to the divergent aspirations of each person, resulting in disharmony and animosity. As a result of …

Alan Yu (2024-09-01). Air pollution at Philadelphia's 15th Street subway station 'considerably higher' than EPA standard. whyy.org From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? Scientists at the university measured the air quality at the subway station near City Hall in 2022 and recently published their results. Th…

Anthony Watts (2024-09-01). Anthony Watts on the Tom Nelson Podcast. wattsupwiththat.com Last week I was interviewed by friend and colleague Tom Nelson about my journey in the climate wars. The full video and transcript follows, along with a link to the slideshow I prepared.

Guest Blogger (2024-09-01). Botched Green New Deal: Business Sentiment In Germany Is Now Free-Falling, "On The Brink" wattsupwiththat.com Failing socialist-green experiment. Economists warn German economy is "on the brink"… "further decline"

Guest Blogger (2024-09-01). Shock New Claim: 'Green' Hydrogen Produces 37 Times More Global Warming than Carbon Dioxide. wattsupwiththat.com Bottom line — there is no cost effective, feasible, reliable and scalable replacement for hydrocarbons available, or likely to be available, in the near future. Blackouts and severe rationing will be inevitable if uncompromising ideologues like Ed Miliband at the U.K. Department of Energy continue to be allowed to wreak havoc with the energy requirements of a modern industrial society.

Staff (2024-09-01). Talk World Radio: The Even Worse War You Haven't Heard About. davidswanson.org AUDIO: Talk World Radio is recorded on Zoom. Here is this week's video and all the videos on Youtube. VIDEO: This week on Talk World Radio we're talking about the war in Sudan. Our guest is Omia Mustafa who goes by Zeirra on social media. She is a 21-year-old with an international relations degree. You …

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