2024-05-17: News Headlines

Naledi Pandor, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-17). South Africa FM: 'We Will Not Rest Until Palestine's Freedom Is Realized'. popularresistance.org South Africa is of the view that the international community has an obligation to find a comprehensive and just resolution to the Palestinian issue. So far, the traditional approach to conflict resolution has failed to achieve peace in the Israel—Palestine conflict. It is possible that a different approach, one that uses a human rights perspective on conflict resolution, could produce what the old approach could not. | A human rights approach asserts that the principles and practices enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including equality and non-discrimination, participation, inclusion,…

Camille Tinnin, Magdalen Weiss-Vopat, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-05-17). Carrying On Kent State's Legacy Of Antiwar Organizing. popularresistance.org If you grew up in Ohio, one of the first things that comes to mind when you hear "Kent State" is the saying "Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent State." If you grew up outside of Ohio, the first thing you think of when hearing "Kent State" is the shootings on May 4, 1970. And if you were present for the protest on May 4, 2024, you heard, "Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent stop funding genocide." | As graduate students (one local, the other out of state), we grew up with different perceptions of Kent State. What united us is the decision to pursue our graduate studies at Kent State due to its long history of activism and the Sc…

Alfred de Zayas (2024-05-17). A Rebellion Against Law and Civilization: Genocide and Its Accomplices. counterpunch.org Civilization is a process that progressively codifies the rules and regulations necessary for living together in peace, the process that continually engenders associations and commissions, mechanisms for monitoring and implementation of the norms. The United Nations Charter is the best rules-based order we have, a kind of world constitution that all peoples should recognize and

Angela (2024-05-17). Wednesday 5/22: Webinar: Genocide in Gaza and Repression at Home: Making the Connection. indybay.org Online | masspeace.us/GazaHomeConnection…

John Catalinotto (2024-05-17). Book launch shows hope for another and better world. workers.org "A Realistic Path to Peace: From Genocide to Global War … and How We Can Stop It," 2024 Edition, by Dee Knight, Solidarity Publications, Bronx, New York. Contact info@RealPathtoPeace.com New York City, May 9. Tonight, activists from the Bronx Anti-War Coalition helped launch the new edition of Dee Knight's book, . . . |

WSWS (2024-05-17). Stop the genocide in Gaza! Stop police violence against anti-war students! wsws.org In the following, we document the IYSSE Humboldt University election statement, which will be printed in the student election brochure. The elections are on 18 and 19 June.

Jason Ditz (2024-05-17). Israeli Airstrikes in Southern Lebanon Kill Three, Including Two Children. news.antiwar.com Israeli forces targeted a series of "infrastructure" sites in southern Lebanon today, going after compounds belonging to Hezbollah's aerial defense system on the grounds that they pose a threat to Israeli aircraft. The strikes hit the villages of Najjiriyeh and Addousiyeh, both just south of the coastal city of Sidon. This is just over 18 …

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2024-05-17). Canada Sanctions on Extremist Settlers Give Israeli Government a Pass. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2024-05-17). Saturday 5/18: Webinar: Update from the West Bank: How has the Occupation intensified since Oct. 7. indybay.org Online | masspeace.us/west-bank-update

Angela (2024-05-17). Saturday 5/18: San Diego Peace Vigil for Palestine. indybay.org Entry to Ocean Beach | Sunset Cliffs Blvd and W Point Loma Blvd | San Diego, CA…

albawaba (2024-05-17). What are the historic outcomes of the 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- The 33rd Arab Summit commenced today in Manama, Bahrain, amidst the persisting conflict in the Gaza Strip, which has endured for over seven months. Bahrain and the Arab League have jointly advocated for an international peace conference in the Middle East.During the inaugural session of the Arab Summit, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain called for the convening of an international peace conference in the Middle East. He also emphasized the imperative of extending full recognition to the State of Palestine and endorsing its membership in the United Nations.Echoing this sentiment, Ahmed Aboul Gheit…

geo.tv (2024-05-17). Xi, Putin join forces against US in pledge for new era. geo.tv In landmark meeting, both Xi and Putin discuss cooperation on new peaceful nuclear technologies and finance…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-05-17). Russia supports Venezuela's application to BRICS. plenglish.com Moscow, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Russia respects Venezuela's candidacy to join the BRICS, but the decision on who will be new members is made jointly by the entire organization, said the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergei Vershinin.

teleSUR (2024-05-17). S.Sudan: Government & Opposition Sign Pact for Lasting Peace. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, South Sudan's Transitional Government of National Unity and opposition groups signed a pact to enhance efforts toward lasting peace and stability in the country. | Related: | By signing the declaration of commitment to the Tumaini initiative, meaning "hope" in Swahili, the two parties pledged to support efforts to end hostilities and promote inclusive growth in South Sudan. | The signing ceremony, held in the Kenyan capital of…

teleSUR (2024-05-17). President Maduro Installs Our Venezuela Campaign Command. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, President Nicolas Maduro led the installation ceremony of the "Our Venezuela 21st Century" Campaign Command in preparation for the presidential elections on July 28. | RELATED: | "Today, we take a very important step to advance with advantage, superiority, and fortitude to defend our country from the threat it is under, to preserve all the advances and achievements of the struggle we have waged, to chart the…

UMMID (2024-05-17). Peace loving people across the world are pro-Palestinian. ummid.com Any decent, informed, and intelligent person, irrespective of one's faith and ethnolinguistic background, anywhere in the world must be pro-Palestinian.

Cira Pascual Marquina (2024-05-17). On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García. mronline.org One of Venezuela's most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.

teleSUR, ahf, YSM (2024-05-17). Vicepresidenta Delcy Rodríguez: el bloqueo contra Venezuela debe cesar. telesurtv.net La dirigente sustentó sus argumentos afirmando que el fin del bloqueo perimitiría que sus connacionales tuvieran derecho "a la salud, a la vida" y "al futuro".

teleSUR, MER (2024-05-17). Presidente Maduro instala el Comando de Campaña "Venezuela Nuestra" telesurtv.net El diputado Jorge Rodríguez es coordinador general del comando central, que contará con siete equipos.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-05-17). Pueblo de Mantecal en Apure exige fin de bloqueo a Venezuela. telesurtv.net El presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, expresó, a través de su cuenta en X, que le "emociona mucho ver al pueblo combatiente, revolucionario y consciente de la parroquia Mantecal.

teleSUR, idg, DRL (2024-05-17). Venezuela y Cuba rechazan medidas de EE.UU. contra Nicaragua. telesurtv.net Las sanciones van dirigidas a la Compañía Minera Internacional, Sociedad Anónima (Cominisa), a Capital Mining Investment Nicaragua y al Centro de Capacitación del Ministerio del Interior de Rusia en Managua.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-05-17). FANB exige a EE.UU. levantar las sanciones contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net Demandan al presidente Joe Biden la inmediata derogación de las medidas restrictivas unilaterales impuestas a la patria de Bolívar y Chávez desde 2015.

newarab (2024-05-17). Arab League calls for peacekeepers in occupied Palestinian territories. newarab.com The Arab League on Thursday called for a United Nations peacekeeping force in the Palestinian territories at a summit dominated by

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