2023-06-01: News Headlines

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-01). Mexican TV Spots Anti-Tank Missile Launcher That Has Been Sent to Ukraine in Hands of Cartel. news.antiwar.com Mexican TV has reported that a militant affiliated with Mexico's Gulf Cartel was spotted carrying an advanced rocket launcher, the same type that the US has shipped thousands of to Ukraine. Azucena Uresti, a news anchor for Milenio TV, identified the rocket launcher as a Raytheon-made Javelin anti-tank missile system, which the US has been …

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-01). FBI Reopens Probe Into Julian Assange. news.antiwar.com The FBI has restarted its investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age reported on Thursday. According to a front-page story in the SMH, the FBI is looking to build its case up against Assange, who was indicted by the US Justice Department in 2019 for exposing US war crimes …

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-01). Debt Ceiling Deal Puts No Limits on Ukraine Aid. news.antiwar.com The debt ceiling agreement reached between the White House and House Republicans places no constraints on spending on the war in Ukraine, a White House official told Bloomberg. The $113 billion that has been authorized to spend on the war in Ukraine so far was passed as supplemental emergency funds, which is exempt from the …

krish-rad_ind (2023-06-01). What Can I Do To Prevent Nuclear War? You Can Shout 'No' Now! antiwar.com

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). US Says Stinger Shipment to Taiwan From 2019 Sale, Not Part of New Military Aid. news.antiwar.com The State Department said Wednesday that a shipment of US-made Stinger anti-aircraft missiles that arrived in Taiwan last week was part of a $223.56 million arms sale to Taipei that was approved in 2019. Taiwanese media reported that the Stinger shipment was part of a new $500 million military aid package that the US has …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). US Announces $300 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration announced on Wednesday a new $300 million weapons package for Ukraine that includes Stinger anti-aircraft systems and ammunition for Patriot air defenses and the HIMARS rocket systems. The arms are being sent to Ukraine using the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the US to ship weapons directly from Pentagon stockpiles. The funds …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). Macron Will Push NATO to Pledge 'Concrete' Guarantees for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday that NATO should offer "concrete and tangible security guarantees" to Ukraine as the alliance is debating what to offer Kyiv at a NATO summit that will be held in Vilnius this July. Macron acknowledged it's unlikely that Ukraine can obtain full NATO membership, as all 31 members would need …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). Russia Says UK Encouraging Ukrainian Attacks on Russian Civilians. news.antiwar.com The Russian embassy in the UK on Wednesday slammed London over British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly's comments about Ukrainian attacks inside Russia. In response to a drone attack that hit Moscow on Tuesday and targeted residential buildings, Cleverly said Kyiv has the right to "project force beyond its borders to undermine Russia's ability to project …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). Report: US Official Discussed Oman Possibly Mediating Talks With Iran. news.antiwar.com Brett McGurk, the top Middle East official on the National Security Council, recently made an unannounced trip to Oman to discuss potential diplomatic outreach with Iran over its nuclear program, Axios reported Tuesday. Tensions have been soaring between the US and Iran since indirect negotiations to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, broke …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-31). Ukraine and Its Western Backers Plan 'Peace Summit' Without Russia. news.antiwar.com Ukraine and its Western backers are planning to hold an international summit to increase support for Kyiv's terms for a settlement to the conflict with Russia, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. While being sold as a peace summit, the plan does not involve inviting Russians. Andriy Yermak, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's chief of …

Dan Kovalik, Rick Sterling, Antiwar. (2023-05-31). What We Saw And Heard In Crimea. popularresistance.org In May of this year, we took the long, 27-hour train ride from Moscow to Crimea to see how life is there and what the sentiment of the people are as the US and Ukraine sharpen their threats to "recapture" this peninsula from Russia. And, while we were there, these threats were backed by a series of terrorist drone attacks in Crimea which, while doing little serious damage, signaled an escalation in the US/Ukrainian assault on Crimea. | Despite such threats and attacks, what we found in this historic peninsula on the Black Sea was a beautiful, almost idyllic place with a bustling economy and a general sense of pro…

Fight Back (2023-05-31). University of Washington students hear Carlos Montes speak on immigrant rights and Chicano power. fightbacknews.org Seattle, WA- On May 25, 60 students and community members gathered at the Ethnic and Cultural Center of UW Seattle to listen to the experiences of longtime organizer Carlos Montes. Carlos Montes is a nationally recognized leader in the Chicano, immigrant rights and anti-war movements. He co-founded the Brown Berets, a Chicano youth organization, in the late 1960s and was a key figure in the Chicano Blowouts, a series of high school walkouts protesting racism and inequality. Today, Carlos Montes is an active and well know community leader in East Los Angeles. | Montes opened the event with a story about how he he…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Attend "The war in Ukraine and how to stop it" on June 4 in Toronto! wsws.org All workers and young people in the GTA looking for a way to oppose war should make plans to attend Sunday's meeting and join the struggle for the construction of an international working class-led anti-war movement.

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Pakistan Minister Proud of Contribution to UN Peacekeeping. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, in an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping, Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in Pakistan, expressed her country's pride in its historical affiliation and positive impact on the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions. | Related: | In the event, Khar paid tribute to the efforts and sacrifices made by UN peacekeepers in promoting the collective objective of global peace. | Furthermor…

Daniel Kovalik (2023-06-01). Reflections on Russia and Crimea: "Helping to Achieve Peace" globalresearch.ca

Medea Benjamin, Nicholas J. S. Davies, Scheer Post. (2023-06-01). When Will The United States Join The Global Call To End The Ukraine War? popularresistance.org When Japan invited the leaders of Brazil, India and Indonesia to attend the G7 summit in Hiroshima, there were glimmers of hope that it might be a forum for these rising economic powers from the Global South to discuss their advocacy for peace in Ukraine with the wealthy Western G7 countries that are militarily allied with Ukraine and have so far remained deaf to pleas for peace. | But it was not to be. Instead, the Global South leaders were forced to sit and listen as their hosts announced their latest plans to tighten sanctions against Russia and further escalate the war by sending U.S.-built F-16 warplanes to…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). NATO is creating another battlefield on European continent. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global TimesMay 30, 2023 NATO is creating another battlefield on European continent As the Russia-Ukraine crisis drags on, NATO has become the pronoun of destabilizer of regional security. The situation in the Balkans is now at an explosive point. KFOR, the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, clashed with Serb protesters on Monday. The tension …

Editor (2023-05-31). When Will US Join Global Call to End Ukraine War? scheerpost.com Must our leaders take us to the brink of World War III, with all our lives on the line in an all-out nuclear war, before they will permit a ceasefire and a negotiated peace?

WSWS (2023-05-31). Attend "The war in Ukraine and how to stop it" on June 4 in Toronto! wsws.org All workers and young people in the GTA looking for a way to oppose war should make plans to attend Sunday's meeting and join the struggle for the construction of an international working class-led anti-war movement.

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Pakistan Minister Proud of Contribution to UN Peacekeeping. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, in an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping, Hina Rabbani Khar, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in Pakistan, expressed her country's pride in its historical affiliation and positive impact on the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions. | Related: | In the event, Khar paid tribute to the efforts and sacrifices made by UN peacekeepers in promoting the collective objective of global peace. | Furthermor…

Daniel Kovalik (2023-06-01). Reflections on Russia and Crimea: "Helping to Achieve Peace" globalresearch.ca

Medea Benjamin, Nicholas J. S. Davies, Scheer Post. (2023-06-01). When Will The United States Join The Global Call To End The Ukraine War? popularresistance.org When Japan invited the leaders of Brazil, India and Indonesia to attend the G7 summit in Hiroshima, there were glimmers of hope that it might be a forum for these rising economic powers from the Global South to discuss their advocacy for peace in Ukraine with the wealthy Western G7 countries that are militarily allied with Ukraine and have so far remained deaf to pleas for peace. | But it was not to be. Instead, the Global South leaders were forced to sit and listen as their hosts announced their latest plans to tighten sanctions against Russia and further escalate the war by sending U.S.-built F-16 warplanes to…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). NATO is creating another battlefield on European continent. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global TimesMay 30, 2023 NATO is creating another battlefield on European continent As the Russia-Ukraine crisis drags on, NATO has become the pronoun of destabilizer of regional security. The situation in the Balkans is now at an explosive point. KFOR, the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo, clashed with Serb protesters on Monday. The tension …

Editor (2023-05-31). When Will US Join Global Call to End Ukraine War? scheerpost.com Must our leaders take us to the brink of World War III, with all our lives on the line in an all-out nuclear war, before they will permit a ceasefire and a negotiated peace?

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Boric Embraces Trump's Attacks on Venezuela: Evo Morales. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Bolivia's former President Evo Morales rejected statements made against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | During the summit of South American presidents held in Brasilia on Tuesday, Boric said that the Venezuelan human rights situation is not a "narrative construction" but a "serious reality", which he has personally appreciated "in the eyes and in the pain o…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). UNESCO Awards Venezuelan Theoretical Physics AnamarIa Font. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced that Venezuelan scientist Anamaria Font will receive a distinction for her contributions to theoretical particle physics. | RELATED: | Font is one of the five winners of the "L'Oreal-UNESCO International Awards for Women and Science", which honor the work of researchers around the world. They were chosen by an indepe…

Calla Mairead Walsh (2023-06-01). Biden administration continues Trump's anti-Cuba policies, but solidarity movement is pushing back. peoplesworld.org On Tuesday, May 23rd, the State Department reported that Cuba—along with Iran, Syria, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Venezuela—are not "not cooperating fully" in the United States supposed fight against terrorism. The Biden administration officially designates Cuba as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" (SSOT), as well as Iran, Syria, and the DPRK. Literally 0% of Americans view Cuba as a serious …

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-06-01). South America Renews Integration Efforts, Venezuela Praises 'Tolerance Spirit'. venezuelanalysis.com Brazil's Lula da Silva announced that a new roadmap for regional integration will be presented in 120 days.

Staff (2023-06-01). President Petro Announces Colombia's Re-Entry Into UNASUR (+International Conference on Venezuela). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( "I have decided to make the country rejoin UNASUR by ratifying the treaty approved by Congress through law and I requested that it be named the Association of South American Nations to guarantee pluralism and permanence over time," wrote Petro on his social media acc…

Ana Perdigón (2023-06-01). Fake News Alert: Did President Maduro's Security Attack a Journalist in Brazil? orinocotribune.com A new fake news operation was launched on some social media platforms by local and international far-right outlets regarding Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's visit to Brazil, when a journalist working for said outlets falsely spread the idea that President Maduro's security team supposedly attacked a Brazilian journalist. | The event was reported this Tuesday night, May 30, at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasília—the building housing the Brazilian Foreign Ministry—at the end of the Summit of South American Presidents, called for by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. At the end of the summ…

Staff (2023-06-01). President Maduro: 'We Are Working as Single Entity to Respond to Rainy Season'. orinocotribune.com After his successful visit to Brazil, participating in the Summit of South American Presidents, President Nicolás Maduro met with his general staff upon return to Venezuela, in order to take stock of the arrival of the rainy season in the Caribbean country and devise necessary response measures. | The president met with governors via video-conference this Wednesday, May 30, who shared live reports on the impacts of rainfall across the national territory "state by state, municipality by municipality," the president announced on a televised broadcast. Particularly in recent hours, Venezuela is feeling the arrival o…

People's Dispatch. (2023-06-01). Maduro Makes Historic Trip To Brazil For South American Presidents' Summit. popularresistance.org Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro participated in a joint press conference on Monday May 29 from the Planalto Palace in Brasília and highlighted the importance of the neighboring countries resuming ties. The press conference was held following a bilateral meeting between the heads of state ahead of the South American Presidents' Summit. | Lula told national and international media that, "This is a historic moment. After eight years, President Nicolás Maduro is back to visiting Brazil and we have recovered our right to have a foreign policy with the seriousness w…

krish-rad_ind (2023-06-01). Washington Authorizes 4 Oil Corporations to Pay Taxes in Venezuela (+OFAC). orinocotribune.com

teleSUR, JDO, DRL (2023-06-01). Evo Morales rechaza declaraciones antivenezolanas de Chile. telesurtv.net Evo Morales critica que se olvide la vocación antiimperialista de Salvador Allende y se repitan ataques de Donald Trump contra Caracas.

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Russia, China Welcome Venezuela's Interest in Joining the BRICS. telesurenglish.net The Chinese government has applauded Venezuela's willingness to join the BRICS, an economic cooperation forum that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. | RELATED: | Venezuela's intention highlights the increasing prestige of the BRICS in the world, stated Alexander Schetinin, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry's representative for Latin America. | "We welcome the prompt accession of as many supp…

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Over 16,000 Venezuelans Participate in the 2023 Rainfall Plan. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan Risk Management and Civil Protection Vice Minister Carlos Perez announced the deployment of over 16,000 troops to ensure security throughout the country. | RELATED: | Currently, the General Staffs of the subnational governments are activated as part of the 2023 Rainfall Plan, he explained. | The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is articulated with the National Risk Management System, which includes fir…

manager (2023-05-31). CEPR Sanctions Watch May 2023. cepr.net In this edition of Sanctions Watch, covering May 2023: Local civil society leaders call for the release of central bank assets to Afghanistan; Members of Congress urge Biden to address migration by easing sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela; Five years since Trump's withdrawal from nuclear deal, scholars say "maximum pressure" on Iran has failed; US …

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